Ace Computers is now integrating its high performance technology with Intel’s groundbreaking Optane memory.
Microsoft Surface Reseller for Schools
Ace Computers is one of the most cost-competitive Microsoft Surface resellers for schools. This means we have a level of Surface expertise that others do not.
HPC Technology with Newest Xeon Processors
Ace Computers just announced that they are building HPC technology—clusters and workstations—optimized with Intel’s latest Xeon scalable Cascade Lake processors.
High Performance Workstation Solutions
Ace Computers just awarded three product categories for the U.S. Air Force’s latest CCS-2 QEB 2019A BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) under the company name J.C. Technology Inc.
Custom Technology for Military & Government
Ace Computers offers high performance technology for Big Data applications such as machine learning, deep learning and AI.